《纸上飞仙》对演员的心理素质、轻巧、灵敏度要求很高。身轻如燕,似仙女一般腾云驾雾、阿娜多姿。试想,手指轻轻一弄就会破的极薄纸上,两个姑娘180斤重要站在一张薄薄的纸上 面行走如飞仙,且能单脚做朝天蹬等高难造型,而这脆弱的纸却毫发无损,让人看了目瞪口呆。
Five、Dance on a paper
This dance requires very high psychological qualities, lightweight and high sensitivity of the yt b nm actors. Actors should play lightly like fairy clouds. Just think, a thin piece of paper will get broken easily with a finger, however two girls with 90 kilos in total will stand on the paper doing difficult movements, and this fragile paper was be unbroken.